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Is Father Christmas agile?

I recently met the head of one of the world’s oldest organisations. Despite being incredibly high profile and serving millions of customers each year, their delivery process is far from perfect. As we sat chatting over a glass of sherry and a mince pie (apparently he never tires of them), the… Read More »Is Father Christmas agile?

A new game

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  • 5 min read

Although we don’t favour revolutionary changes, most of us first experience agile through a radical and wholesale transformation to Scrum. Along with all the changes to roles, meetings and working approach, we find ourselves bombarded with new terminology. Two terms that seem to confuse many newbies (and not-so-newbies) are incremental… Read More »A new game

Agile Glasto

The weather forecasters said we were in for days of rain but Saturday, the day of the conference, would be fine. Friday saw a deluge and soaked everyone to the skin. Surely the Agile on the Bench conference wasn’t going to be a wash-out? But we always have sun. Even… Read More »Agile Glasto

Only two weeks away

“Overpriced, far away and unsure of what I’m going to get”. That’s what many people think about agile conferences. So Emily Webber and I set out to address these problems with Agile on the Bench goes Camping, and we reckon we’ve nailed it. The conference costs £35 a ticket (including lunch,… Read More »Only two weeks away

Scaled Scrum is just Scrum

I’ve always been a believer that, rather than focusing on scaling agile, you should just focus on being Agile. However, over the last few years, a number of frameworks have emerged with the aim of ‘scaling’ Agile. SAFe and LeSS are two such examples of scaling frameworks. has now… Read More »Scaled Scrum is just Scrum

Incremental or iterative?

Many of you will be familiar with Jeff Patton’s explanation of iterative and incremental using the Mona Lisa. I’ve used it many time to explain the difference between iterative and incremental. But I’ve always thought there’s a better analogy out there. I’ve also wanted to compare to a big bang… Read More »Incremental or iterative?

Is pairing just for developers?

Last weekend I was chatting with my Dad about his current work project, and our conversation led me to start thinking about pair programming and pairing in general. The idea of pair programming was popularised from the early days of eXtreme Programming or XP. The book Extreme Programming Explained written… Read More »Is pairing just for developers?

The Design Sprint

The Design Sprint

In his book, The Lean Startup, Eric Ries advocates considering the development of a product as a “grand experiment that aims to answer a question”. With that question being “should the product be built?”. The idea is that, once you know the problem you are trying to solve, then you create a… Read More »The Design Sprint