David Lowe

IMPROVing Agile Teams

If you think about it, there’s a lot of similarities between improv and the teams we work with: every day we face uncertainty about what we are going to have to deal with, we rely on the people around us to help us achieve success (and they rely on us),… Read More »IMPROVing Agile Teams

Student’s t-statistic

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  • 4 min read

Introduction In 1908, a guy at Guinness found a way to measure which types of barley produced the best beer-brewing yields: he called it the “t-statistic”. However, because Guinness was paranoid about giving away trade secrets, he had to publish his ideas under the pseudonym “Student”. Although we now know… Read More »Student’s t-statistic

A new game

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  • 5 min read

Although we don’t favour revolutionary changes, most of us first experience agile through a radical and wholesale transformation to Scrum. Along with all the changes to roles, meetings and working approach, we find ourselves bombarded with new terminology. Two terms that seem to confuse many newbies (and not-so-newbies) are incremental… Read More »A new game

Agile Glasto

The weather forecasters said we were in for days of rain but Saturday, the day of the conference, would be fine. Friday saw a deluge and soaked everyone to the skin. Surely the Agile on the Bench conference wasn’t going to be a wash-out? But we always have sun. Even… Read More »Agile Glasto

The Signal and the Noise

How do you fancy reading 450 pages on earthquakes, the spreading of diseases, climate change and terrorism? Quite. I groaned too. But Nate Silver’s The Signal and the Noise: The Art and Science of Prediction is a page-turner. He manages to mix history with a variety of topics in a… Read More »The Signal and the Noise

Only two weeks away

“Overpriced, far away and unsure of what I’m going to get”. That’s what many people think about agile conferences. So Emily Webber and I set out to address these problems with Agile on the Bench goes Camping, and we reckon we’ve nailed it. The conference costs £35 a ticket (including lunch,… Read More »Only two weeks away

Actionable Agile Analytics

In my recent post, I talked about Dan Vacanti’s take on Kanban charts. Some of his beliefs mean that our legacy charts are no longer workable. So what can we use to track dates, view scatterplots, check arrival vs departure rates, etc? Vacanti’s company has built a tool called ActionableAgile… Read More »Actionable Agile Analytics