
What is service design?

When writing The Innovation Revelation, I discovered that service design is a mystery to many people. So I thought it would be beneficial to ask a bunch of experts to provide an explanation. Here is a compilation of clips taken from 14 experts: Their full videos (and more) will be… Read More »What is service design?

Agile coaching certification

So you’re an “agile coach” day-to-day, but you want to get some sort of certification. Which one should you get? Here’s a summary of some of the most popular options. Agile Coach (ICP-ACC) ICAgile has a number of tracks, two of them relating to coaching: Agile Coaching (ICP-ACC) and Coaching… Read More »Agile coaching certification


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  • 5 min read

As per my previous post on SAFe, if you have multiple teams working on individual products with minimal dependencies, then I don’t think you should worry about scaling; multiple independent Scrum teams can work harmoniously alongside each other just fine. However, some organisations believe they need multiple teams working on… Read More »Nexus

The Ultimate Test of Agility

…has got to be early parenthood. The arrival of that new addition to your family puts pay to even the best laid plans, regardless of how prepared you may think you are. Having experienced it myself in the last few weeks, I’ve been responding to both the physical and emotional… Read More »The Ultimate Test of Agility

Culture and Behaviour

As a community, we spend a lot of time debating the practicalities of Agile thinking. What makes a good retrospective? Should we run 2 or 3 week Sprints? What questions should we ask at the stand up? These are all great things to discuss, but if we agree that Agile… Read More »Culture and Behaviour

Interview with Mike Burrows

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  • 2 min read

This is the third in our series of interviews interesting people (sometimes loosely) related to our agile and lean world. This week is with Mike Burrows who is the founder of agendashift (tools for Lean-Agile transformation), author of Kanban from the Inside, consultant, trainer and coach. S&K: Explain what you do in… Read More »Interview with Mike Burrows

Transparency – The Missing Pillar

There are three pillars underpinning any empirical process: transparency, inspection and adaptation. Teams are generally familiar with inspection and adaptation, after all, frameworks like Scrum are quite prescriptive about the need for retrospectives. Teams often overlook transparency. There are a number of ways in which a team can be transparent. Firstly, they can… Read More »Transparency – The Missing Pillar