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Environmental Policy

Our office at Howbery Park

Howbery Park’s environmental policy (and therefore our policy too):

Thinking about the environment is central to everything we do at Howbery Park.

At Howbery Park, we are creating surroundings that are unique to office space in Oxfordshire and that our tenants enjoy working within. Everything we are building today has to be sustainable for tomorrow.

Our flagship buildings Kestrel House and Red Kite House are both BREEAM Excellent rated and incorporate several environmentally-friendly features, including the use of bore hole water to provide natural air conditioning.

We are working to reduce the amount of plastics we use in the course of our business, and to reducing the environmental impact of any waste plastic we generate. We have committed to focusing on reducing our use of single-use plastics, and to replacing them with bio-degradable alternatives wherever we can.

We have replaced the polystyrene takeaway containers in the delicatessen with compostable containers, and swapped the plastic takeaway containers for vegetable-derived polymer containers. We have also introduced compostable cutlery in the delicatessen.

Plastic waste from Howbery Park is taken away by our authorised waste collectors to be either reused, recycled or used to produce energy. This means that none of the plastic waste generated at Howbery Park goes to landfill.

Howbery Park has also joined forces with neighbouring companies to promote and develop green transport solutions. Together we have set up a local car-share scheme, lobbied for a better bus service from/to the major local towns and opened a footpath between the Park and Wallingford.