John Young is an executive and team coach. He helps leaders and organisations use Lean Agile and Lean Startup practices effectively.
John facilitates workshops on leadership, coaching, organisational change, Agile practices and principles, and scaling Agile initiatives.
John has worked with Agile practices and principles since the early 2000s. He has extensive experience designing and delivering Agile transformations, particularly in enterprise environments. His clients include Deutsche Bank, HSBC, Investec, Pantheon Ventures and Tokio Marine Kiln – a Lloyd’s of London underwriter.
John has a long history of working with senior managers and C-level executives. He also works regularly with early-stage entrepreneurs.
John has a track record of helping companies improve project transparency, delivery throughput, forecasting capability and team satisfaction. He has helped create cultures of trust and developed the next-generation of in-house leaders.
John has a deep understanding of group dynamics. He brings a facilitative approach to his work, guided by a genuine curiosity in his clients and excellent listening and question asking skills.
John is a graduate with distinction of INSEAD’s Executive Master in Change, an organisational change, leadership development and executive coaching programme. He is published in INSEAD Knowledge and INCOSE Insight. He has spoken at Agile Cambridge, Lean Agile Scotland, Agile in the City and Agile Manchester 2018 and 2020.
John studied Scrum with Martine Devos, Jens Ostergaard and James Coplien, early pioneers of Scrum in the US and Europe. He has studied Kanban with David Anderson, the creator of Kanban and the use of the Cynefin framework with David Snowden, the creator of the Cynefin framework.
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