David Lowe

Product Owner | Product Manager

What is the difference between a Product Owner and a Product Manager? A simple question, but not simple to answer; opinions are divided and approaches vary from company to company. Following a discussion at London Agile Discussion Group and further reading, here are my generalised summaries. The Product Owner The… Read More »Product Owner | Product Manager

Lean Coffee

Lean Coffee is a gathering of a small number of people who want to discuss lean in an informal setting. The first Lean Coffee was in Seattle in 2009 (organised by Jim Benson and Jeremy Lightsmith), but the idea has spread around the world. The format is similar to an… Read More »Lean Coffee

Show me the hand

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  • 2 min read

Do you still use physical cards in planning poker? Or maybe you use an app? Either way, the question has to be “why?” A past colleague of mine recently emailed me to say that he’d found such apps, and I asked why he didn’t use hands? “It’s quicker and a… Read More »Show me the hand

Commitment and Consistency

Would you be shocked if I told you that, during the Korean War, prisoners of war from the United States gave away military secrets, informed on fellow prisoners, and even publically denounced their country? Would you be even more surprised if I told you they did so without being beaten… Read More »Commitment and Consistency

Coffee shop flow

After relaying Hakan Forss’ Red Brick Cancer presentation from LKUK13 to some colleagues, we got into a discussion about ‘resource efficiency’ and ‘flow efficiency’ in reference to coffee shops. (Names changed to protect identity) The first company, CelestialDollars, takes each person’s order and their money, then pushes the orders through… Read More »Coffee shop flow

What Mike Said

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  • 3 min read

With all the excitement around estimates, it was time to build “What Mike Said”. Heading into a 2-day hack-a-thon, we were being encouraged to work on ideas that would bring benefit, without needing to relate to any of the Company’s top priority items. The beauty team were offering shiny new… Read More »What Mike Said

No Estimates

I’m torn. I’ve grown up (professionally) believing that estimates are the best way to guide, direct and drive a business. Not just in tech either; even my first job had targets and budgets that were based on estimates. Suddenly, this bedrock of planning has been shattered: most estimates that I’ve… Read More »No Estimates

How to get things done

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  • 3 min read

So, you want to make progress in 2014? Perhaps you have a new business venture that you want to start? Perhaps you just want to improve yourself? Either way, chances are that you will run out of steam pretty quickly. However, there is hope. I am highly productive and motivated,… Read More »How to get things done