David Lowe

Marmite Voting

If I had to keep only one team-wide meeting, it would be the retrospective. As well as being the catalyst for improvement, it is also the team’s opportunity to vent their frustration. In fact, raising issues is encouraged! Sure, the team has to go on to try to find solutions… Read More »Marmite Voting

Kanban risotto

In 2004 I went to a friend’s house for dinner and she served up what can only be described as “a disgusting mush”. This mush was apparently risotto. From that moment on, I was risotto’s biggest opponent. I fought against it whenever it appeared on menus. It was, in my… Read More »Kanban risotto

Burning the burndown chart

“I’ve found iteration burndown charts to be extremely useful with iteration lengths of two weeks or more.” ~ Mike Cohn in Agile Estimating and Planning “I’ve found burndown charts frustrating, irritating and misleading.” ~ Me on a regular basis when they are discussed Mike Cohn goes on to say “An… Read More »Burning the burndown chart

Commitment issues

“I don’t like the word commitment”, started Bob in a retrospective, “I don’t feel it’s fair that I’m promising the business the delivery of something that I have no control over [because there was work in the sprint that Bob would not be working on]. I’d prefer to use a… Read More »Commitment issues

A back-to-front daily stand-up

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  • 2 min read

Are you bored with your current stand-up? “Yesterday, I finished working on widget x, today I’ll start on widget y. I have no impediments.” Yawn! However functional it might be, using the same format can get boring. So I was very interested when I heard someone at the last London Agile… Read More »A back-to-front daily stand-up